The Silesian University of Technology
The Silesian University of Technology is the only university in Silesia to be included in the prestigious group of 10 Polish universities, winners of the „Excellence Initiative-Research University” competition organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The university identified 6 main Priority Research Areas:
- Computational oncology and personalized medicine
- Artificial intelligence and data processing
- Materials of the future
- Smart cities and future mobility
- Process automation and Industry 4.0
- Climate and environmental protection, modern energy
The Silesian University of Technology is also a member of consortium within the European Universities Initiative. The consortium consists of 7 universities from 6 countries.
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
The Faculty cooperates with over 150 universities worldwide. Moreover, it has one of the highest rates of foreign student exchanges (every year, almost 80 students and PhD students join one-semester studies in almost every European country, mainly within CEEPUS and ERASMUS programs).
The Faculty boasts successful collaboration with numerous firms and companies operating in the field of industrial automation and robotics, machinery design, material science, welding, casting, PVC processing and production engineering.
The Department of Fundamentals of Machine Design
The Department of Fundamentals of Machine Design was established in its present form on October 1, 2019. Continues the activities of the Institute of Fundamentals of Machine Design (September 1, 2012) and the Department of Fundamentals of Machine Design (September 1, 1991) and the Department of Fundamentals of Machine Design, which in the years 1971 – 1991 was part of the Institute of Mechanics and Fundamentals of Machine Design, and earlier – the Department of General Fundamentals of Structures Machines (formerly – Machine Parts), operating since the establishment of the University.
Main research directions:
- computer support for the processes of design, construction and operation of machines and quality assurance,
- methodology of technical diagnostics of machines,
- methods and techniques of artificial intelligence,
- development and application of consulting systems,
- methods of acquiring knowledge in the design and operation of machines,
- methods and techniques of reducing noise and vibration of machines.
Aerospace Engineering – Field of study
A field of study closely related to the aviation industry, dealing with the design, construction, construction and analysis of ultralight flying objects.
Our research and teaching range:
- Aerodynamics;
- Autonomous systems and alternative power supplies;
- Design of aircraft structures;
- Flight dynamics and aeroelasticity;
- Flight mechanics;
- High elastic, ultra lightweight thin walls structures;
- Highly efficient electric propulsion systems used in aviation;
- Material technologies in aviation;
- Stability of aircraft structures.